It happened to me: I made a spelling error


photo by Mikkel Paige Photography

Part of being a stationer involves also being an editor. Which to be honest, I totally hate. While I can catch most spelling errors, I’m always so worried that one will make it through the cracks - I am just human! I thought today I’d share the time my nightmare came true - and what I did to make sure it never happened again.


_An example of a time I didn’t make a dumb spelling error. _

A while back, we got a last minute order for a ton of day of stuff, signs, programs, stuff like that. One of the pieces was a cloth banner that said ‘Just Married’. It would be hand painted on silk. In the hustle and bustle of getting all these pieces ready (it was seriously like two car loads of stuff), I drew out the sign, painted it, glanced it over, and packed that sucker up. Well, the day after the wedding, I get an email saying ‘everything looked great, except your sign said ‘Just Marrid’.


_I drew all of these letters, and didn’t misspell one! _

I was so humiliated. I know how to spell the word ‘married’! See, I did it just there. I felt like I couldn’t apologize enough, even though the client was so nice, and seemed happy with the discount I ended up giving them, but it’s still something that eats away at me a little. I can’t believe I did that!

I learned a few important lessons that day.

1. Drawing letters and writing letters are two different things in my mind. When I’m drawing out a beautiful cursive, it becomes a series of curves, not actual letters. So it is EXTRA IMPORTANT to spell check two or three times.

2. I can’t do things in a hurry. I always make mistakes when I’m rushed, a lesson I have proved to myself time and again.

3. Nothing leaves my desk any more without having at least one other set of eyes on it. When you’re looking at something for hours at a time, it’s hard to notice mistakes that a fresh pair of eyes will catch immediately.

Phew! It feels good to get that off my chest. Tell me about a time that made you say ‘I can’t believe I did that!’

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