An Invitation Wording Guide: Exactly what should your invitations say?


Invitation wording can be a daunting task. It’s intimidating to sit down to a blank screen and figure out exactly what you want your invitations to say… and how do you make sure you include all the necessary information? While we’ve already touched on that a bit (and stay tuned, next week we will be sharing our guide to all the information you need to have before you order your invitations), there’s definitely a lot more to cover when it comes to what exactly to say.

So here’s what you need to know:


photo by Mikkel Paige Photography

It’s traditional to include the names of whoever is hosting the wedding on the invitation. So, if your parents are hosting, you would want to say something along the lines of:

Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Jane Smith joyfully invite you to the wedding of their…

If someone besides your parents are hosting, they would be the ones to invite your guests to the wedding.

If you and your beloved are the ones hosting, you would say something like:

Marie Smith and Todd Johnson joyfully invite you to share in the celebration of their marriage.

In many cultures, it is traditional to include the groom’s parents after the groom’s name.


Fiona Todd


John Smith

Son of Jim and Jane Smith.

It’s not something we see as much of in America, but I think it’s a very nice gesture, and certainly worth checking with your groom (or his parents) to see if it’s something they are expecting.

Everything else is flexible: don’t be afraid to get creative!

While there are many rules of etiquette dictating your invitation wording, it’s something that has relaxed a lot in modern times, and at this point, the sky is the limit when it comes to how creative your wording can be. We recommend looking at photos of invitations you love for inspiration, and just remember to make sure everyone who should be honored on your invitation is, or has their expectations in line with what you would like to do.

We’ve put together a downloadable guide of common wording scenarios - we hope it will help guide you in the right direction! Click here to check it out!  Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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