Thoughts on making the most of the time you have


I've been thinking a lot recently about how I structure my days. We all have external factors that create boundaries in how we schedule our time, but it's easy for me at least to forget that I have so much more control than I feel like I do sometimes… I read 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think in 2018, and although I don't think I've kept up any of the habits the author recommends in the book, I think about the book all the time. It's easy for me to let appointments or commitments loom large, forgetting that might only be 3 hours out of my day, and I have another 21 that I shouldn't write off.

I'm making changes slowly, because I want them to be sustainable, but I think the next thing I'm going to tackle is my morning routine. Right now, I lay in bed and look at my phone, and then I go right to my computer and start working. I think I can improve on that! I'd love to hear what you do in the mornings that really starts your day off on the right foot, especially if it's just a little thing and not like meditating on a mountain top while sipping your green juice.

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